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Should you be reassessing your credit management process?

late or non-payment

Offering credit to customers will always pose risks to your business, however having the most effective credit management process in place will significantly reduce this risk and your cash flow will ultimately benefit. Every business should continually monitor their credit management activity so that any downfalls in the process can be addressed promptly; poorly executed […]

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Small to medium Business Cash Flow

improve cash flow

One of the regular questions we get asked is how we can help a Small to medium business with their cash flow? There are some simple and easy ways you can help yourself from the start: Credit check prospective customers This may seem like an obvious one but there are a lot of companies who will […]

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FREE Disputed Invoice Management Toolkit

Managing Invoice Disputes 1

Following in our series of Useful Toolkits our Dispute Management one has proven to be one of the more popular. A disputed invoice can cause havoc within any business when trying to find resolution without the correct procedures in place to deal with it effectively. How well you handle a dispute can have significant impact […]

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FREE Credit Risk Assessment Toolkit

Credit Risk Assessment Process Tool

This is one of the measures in a business that can easily be missed in the excitement for a new sale. Unless you are taking the money upfront before any services or products are sent this is fundamental to your business. You need to carry out the right checks to make sure you will actually […]

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Credit Management News roundup April 2023

April Outsourced Credit Management News

We hope this blog finds you well. If there is anything you would like to see more of in our round ups from more Credit Management Hints & Tips to help on E-learning webinars let us know: COMMERCIAL CREDIT MANAGEMENT Consultancy boss convicted for Bounce Back Loan fraud Demand for invoice finance predicted to grow […]

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Cash Flow – Getting paid quickly from a large company or local government

improve cash flow

Typically local government and large corporate companies suffer from bureaucratic delays on payment. Part of the process for on boarding a new customer should be to establish your customers process for authorisation and payment. Does your invoice need to contain specific information required for your customer to easily identify and authorise? Such as delivery address, […]

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How to help recruitment firms get paid when a client employs a candidate directly. 

Credit management Back Door Hiring Recruitment

As previously employed as a Credit Manager by a national recruitment company and working for many recruitment firms since setting up CMG UK,  I have a vast amount of experience the recruitment sector. Our case studies – How to help recruitment firms get paid when a client employs a candidate directly. Backdoor hiring The Company- International […]

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Are you making these four B2B credit management mistakes?

10 credit management facts

Within my 30 years’ experience in the credit management profession, I have seen many mistakes made in B2B credit management; these mistakes, if not rectified, run the risk of negatively impacting cash flow and customer relationships. Here are just four of these mistakes: Terms and Conditions Many businesses find attaching their terms and conditions to […]

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The Top Five Credit Management Issues and How to Resolve Them

credit management issues

There is no doubt about it, credit management, in particular credit control, can be frustrating at times; this may lie in the fact that many different departments of a business will contribute towards the success of a credit management function, and therefore there is a wide scope of possibilities in identifying underperforming areas in order […]

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4 tips to use when chasing customers for payment

chase for payment effectively

  Chasing customers for payment can be a frustrating task, especially if you aren’t getting the answers you are looking for (i.e. a definitive date for payment); there are a few things you can do, however, that will provide you with a structured chasing strategy and therefore have more chance of success. Use a mix […]

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